NRMLA: National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association

NRMLA is there for you. This site has been created with you in mind to provide you all the information you need to determine if you would like to further explore reverse mortgages.

If you have any other questions at all, please use our Get Help form.

If you want to contact someone about reverse mortgages, please use our Find a Lender search form and enter a state or company.

If you ever have any questions or complaints about anything your lender, Servicer, closing agent or appraiser has done, NRMLA will field and respond to those questions and complaints. Simply click Report a Problem.

NRMLA has established the Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional designation, a continuing education and testing program, that gives experienced professionals an opportunity to further prove their dedication and knowledge. Look for the CRMP logo on your loan originator’s business card and promotional materials.

And look for the NRMLA logo on your loan originator’s business card or website.

You can borrow with confidence from a NRMLA lender.