Nearly half — 47 percent — of Americans plan to make a slow transition into their golden years rather than slamming the brake, according to a study released by Allianz Life.

What they’re saying: “In the past, retirement started abruptly on your last day of work. But that idea is changing,” said Kelly LaVigne, vice president of consumer insights at Minneapolis-based Alliance Life Insurance Company of North America.

While nearly half of Americans see retirement as a slow transition away from full-time work, only 38 percent think of it as a distinct date in the future to stop working and start drawing down on retirement assets. At the same time, 15 percent told Allianz researchers they don’t see themselves ever slowing down or retiring.

Baby boomers — between the ages of 59 and 77 — who are either near or past retirement age are more likely to think about retirement as a slow transition (58 percent). That compares to 53 percent of Gen Xers — between the ages of 44 and 59 — who think retirement is a slow transition; and 45 percent of millennials — ages 27 to 43.