First of all, aging solo doesn’t have to be lonely. In fact, studies on childless adults show they’re no more lonely or depressed than adults with children. Many childless adults find friendship and family elsewhere, building socially-rich lives in a more intentional way.

However, as a solo adult it’s important to build your community as you grow older. This can be done by making new friends in a retirement community, a place of worship or some type of hobby.

Some childless adults have also found comfort in online groups and forums. There are countless places for childless adults to come together and find comfort with new connections. You might even find a new circle of friends in an online group related to your favorite hobby.

As you get older, you’ll want to strengthen your sense of community where you live and interact. In this way, you’ll feel enriched socially over time. In fact, many childless adults have stronger social lives because they seek out new connections beyond family. Read more.