Seniors have rights – and often need legal assistance, whether regarding justice, crime, guardianship, advance directives or elder abuse. If you need legal resources or pro bono assistance, put together a list of organizations with free legal services for seniors. Your search for legal assistance can start with these reliable, senior-focused organizations.

Law for Seniors

Law for Seniors offers free or reduced legal services for seniors. You can apply easily on their site. They also advocate for seniors with resources on law and government, including guides and videos. You can find a ton of resources on key topics such as elder abuse, health care, housing and social security.

National Guardianship Association

Guardianship is one of the major issues for seniors. The National Guardianship Association protects elders by setting guardianship standards, educating towards ethical guardianship and protecting guardians and wards. They have an excellent section about guardianship issues, as well as a guardian finder feature.

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